It is the history of a family, set right in the heart of Botalla cheese. A family history handing down quality, flavour and values that count. With this passion for tradition, the Bonino family brings to the world the authentic taste of Piedmont.

Storia Botalla


In 1947, the Botalla trademark for cheese was born into a scenario rich of nature and colours: the lightest water of Italy flowing from the Biellese Prealps, green pastures, white snowy mountain peaks, the crimson of the passion and desire to rebuild a country starting from the most basic values of its territory.

Which are flavour, toil and tradition.
Natale Botalla founded his company in the heart of Biella where it is still located today, right above an ancient cellar ideal for ageing cheese according to the authentic canons of tradition.


Sandro Bonino, an entrepreneur who came from a completely different sector, took over the firm in 1978 but soon discovered a world which became his life.
It became an authentic passion both for him and his family. Together with his wife Maria Teresa, Sandro Bonino gave way to an important evolutionary period marking the growth of the Botalla trademark with its quality.

The Bonino family succeeded in gathering and preserving the know-how of the ancient Piedmontese dairy tradition, gradually introducing the right innovation which does not change the past but improves it by enhancing its values.

Storia Botalla


The Bonino family has grown just like the great family of the Botalla cheeses. Today, Sandro e Maria Teresa’s children manage the company following in the footsteps of their parents who still provide precious advice because tradition must be respected and progress needs time just like the ageing of the best cheese.

Simona, Andrea and Stefano represent the facade of a company working every day to bring to the world a quality trademark which is constantly being elevated with the same enthusiasm and passion as ever.


In addition to the cheese factories and the historic head office in the heart of Biella where ancient know-how is carefully preserved, the Botalla world today also includes the modern plant in Mongrando, equipped with the most innovative technology for production and ageing, thus giving value to every flavour whether it is old or new.

Tradition and innovation coexist in the heart of the Botalla cheeses blending together in a unique spirit where the new does not forget the past. On the contrary it protects the past, perfecting it and projecting it in the future.

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